Bird Netting Services

Sparrow Netting Navi Mumbai

Advanced Bird Netting first time in India.
Bird Netting details as mentioned below:
Raw Material : HDPE Net (High Density Polyethylene Net)
Shape : Square or Diamond
Framework : Stainless Steel Wired Framework
Environmental : No Effect, Easy Flow of Wind
Sunlight : U V Stabilized
Warranty : 3 Years Warranty

House Comfort provide excellent quality of bird netting service for Pigeon and sparrow.

Pigeon net help in keeping pigeons away that cause lungs diseases and infections. We install bird net with proper fixed stainless steel wire framework, Bird Net looks transparent on Window, Gallery and on duck passage of buildings. Bird net protects your premises from birds and this will also not harm to birds.

About House Comfort

House Comfort gives complete solution of Bird Control in Pune and Mumbai. We are providing this services Since year 2010. House Comfort has long term professional experienced in this service sectors.We are geting good feedbacks from our commercial and residenetial customers for quality of service which we have delivered to them.
